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LO 12.1Why might a manager focused solely on accounting numbers miss opportunities for future benefits?


LO 12.1Is there a way to prevent managers from focusing on accounting measures as performance measures?


LO 12.1Should an organization focus on controllable or uncontrollable factors to effectively implement a successful performance measurement system? Explain your answer.


LO 12.1What are the components of a strategic plan? Find one of these components for the company you work for and share (if you are not currently employed, use the college you attend).


LO 12.1What are the four types of centers and their corresponding responsibilities?


LO 12.2What would be wrong with using two points of data in a performance measurement system to tell a company whether the amount of variation is normal or abnormal?


LO 12.2Compare and contrast short- and long-term goals for a company. Give an example of each, and explain why they are important for performance measurement systems.


LO 12.2Can a short-term goal also be a long-term goal? Where is the division, and why is it important for an employee to understand whether the goal is short or long term?


LO 12.2What does goal congruence mean? Provide an example with your explanation.


LO 12.2What are the six characteristics of a good performance measurement system?


LO 12.3What is EVA and why is it superior to other performance measures?


LO 12.3What are the drawbacks to ROI? Give examples of each.


LO 12.4Describe. the history and purpose of the balanced scorecard.


LO 12.4What are the characteristics of successful balanced scorecards?

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